To determine if your telephone line qualifies as a local number, the area code and prefix of your telephone line has to be within the local calling area of the respective jail address.
When you make a payment on a telephone account we must verify your current address and billing information prior to activating the account. Call 1-800-896-3201 to verify.
Some credit cards will require additional verification. If this verification is requested, you must file a Credit Cardholder Letter of Acceptance or you can email us a picture of your Picture ID shown with your credit card.
Download Credit Cardholder Letter of AcceptanceWe accept the following methods of payment:
Prepaid Debit Cards
When using prepaid debit cards be sure that the address on the card matches the address that you entered for making a payment. You may have to call the number on the back and have them add your address to the card.
Moneygram Express Payment Information
The funds paid into an Inmate Wallet account are tied directly to an inmate’s personal device for them to use for texting, voice calls, and video calls (as available by facility). These funds are non-transferable and non-refundable, however, if the inmate returns to the jail at a future point in time the account balance will be available for them to use.
Reliance Telephone Inmate Wallet costs are as follows:
Cost of messages sent or received
Collect call accounts are on a prepayment basis and you must maintain a positive credit balance to keep your line open. Any calls received that exceed account balance will be billed to your account and due immediately.
Payments to your collect call account can be made online or over the phone by calling 1-800-896-3201. Live representatives are available Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm CST.
Reliance Telephone collect call costs are as follows:
Collect Local Calls
$0.21 - $0.25 per minute + applicable taxes (Rate may vary depending on facility)
Collect In-State Calls
$0.21 - $0.25 per minute + applicable taxes (Rate may vary depending on facility)
Collect State to State Calls
$0.21 per minute + applicable taxes + Federal Universal Service Fund
Automated payment fee
$3.00 applies to all payments made via our website
Live Agent Fee
$5.95 applies to all payments made via our Customer Service Department
Third-Party Financial Transaction Fees
Amount varies by payment method
Refunds for Direct Bill accounts can be obtained by calling 1-800-896-3201. Please be ready to provide the name and address of the person who purchased the phone card.